Joint Informational Hearing: Why is California 5th in Unsolved Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Cases in the Nation? Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Native American Affairs: A Year Later: Assessing Feather Alert Implementation Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Ramos measure would require K-12 education accurately reflect historical mistreatment of Native Americans Thursday, January 11, 2024 Lawmaker’s bill is a follow up to AB 1703, the California Indian Education ActSACRAMENTO—When teaching about the Spanish Mission and Gold Rush Eras, California public schools would be required to teach the true history of the impact on California Native Americans during those periods if AB 1821, is approved. Assemblymember James C. Ramos (D-San Bernardino), the first California Native American elected to the legislature, introduced the measure today. Ramos said, “This bill builds upon my previous legislation, the California Indian Education Act, approved in 2022. For far too long California’s
Welcome Back reception for Native American Caucus and Snapshot of Upcoming Year Wednesday, January 10, 2024